How to: Moon Nails

Moon nails are a trend from the 30's that has been revived!  Did I mention how super easy it is to achieve this look?  This a great way to make a statement without being too over the top as well as a sophisticated alternative to the classic, french manicure.

How To:

1. Gather your supplies--  You will need two complimentary colors. I used China Glaze's Unpredictable & NYC Skin Tight Denim.  You will also need a top coat and round stickers!
2.Apply your base color. This will be the color that your lunulas/moon will be.
3.  Once your base color is dry, put your guides to work.  You want to make sure that they line up perfect.  Also make sure that there are no opportunities for your second color to seep through.
4. Apply your second color and fix any mistakes that you make!  Add on your top coat and you are finished.


  1. Where did you get the stickers? Are they just the kind you get at office depot?

  2. Hi! I happened to find your blog through influenster.. your link is messed up on there so I had to mouse over to get the address. I actually found you through the world of warcraft reviews.

    I know it's always exciting to get comments and what-not, so I just wanted to let you know I stopped by. Great blog btw! :)

  3. Hello Laura and Christina

    Those are def office stickers! You can get them anywhere.

    Thanks for reaching out Christina. I'll def update my link on Influenster. Thanks sooo much

  4. Out of boredom because I have the flu and nothing else to do, I did half moon nails and quarter moon (?) tips. Sloppy but why not?

  5. Laura! I love your nails! Hope you feel better! The flu is awful!


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