Tuesday Edition of Sunday Tea

I originally wasn't going to post one up last week due to the lack of questions but found that I did indeed have three questions from previous weeks that I could use so with out further ado-here we go!

How young is too young to wear make up?  I'm a mother of three girls aged 15, 14, and 12.  All of the mom's at their school seem to not care but I can't help but think they are way too young.
- D'andra

I applaud this question and apologize for not getting to it sooner.  Your 12 year old is way too young for make up.  In fact, 16 to me seems like an appropriate age to start using actual make up.  For your 14 and 15 year old I think  a neutral pink lip gloss and some pressed powder won't hurt.  If they have skin problems I would understand why they would want to wear make up.  Leave the eyeliner and blush for when they are a bit older.

How do I start my own blog? -Candice

Well, its rather easy. Any one can start a blog.  You can go through Blogger, which is who I use, or Wordpress. I've known great things from both.  Figure out what you want to write about and be consistent. I've lost tons of readers from not being consistent with my writing.  You also want to be original as possible... :)  The most important thing is to have fun with it. 

Hi, we are 15 and 16 years old and we wanna know things to look for in potential boyfriends?  We have had no luck with the last guys! Help!! -Rebecca & Tori

I originally wasn't going to answer this question because honestly people need different things.  As I thought about it though... I feel that this can be an important lesson for a lot of people.  Look at a guy's manners.  If he doesn't open the door for people, say thank you, or look you in the eye when he speaks... probably not going to be a good guy.  If you see him interact with his mother... see how he treats her.  If you are not okay with the interaction... red flag.  If all he talks to you about is getting physical with you- not good.  If he throws tantrums over trivial things- not good.  Anyway, relationships can be very daunting and tough... at your age you aren't going to find the perfect guy because, like you, those guys need to grow up too. Did I mention you have to be a catch too?  You aren't going to attract decent boys if you are not behaving in a lady like manner! You get good guys by having good values and being true to those values.


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