Sunday Tea
I know it may sound a little conceited but I LOVE MY BODY. I used to be over weight and I worked really hard to look the way that I do. I'm proud of my results and I like to wear tight fitting clothes and show off my stomach. My friends think that I dress like a skank. I'm 22 years old, single, and having fun with fashion. Is it wrong for me to dress sexy? -Danyelle O.
Honey, anytime someone compares you to a skank... that is NOT GOOD. Unless your friends are really hardcore conservatives- they would call me a skank too I suppose. Anyway, really think about how you are dressing. There is a very fine line between sexy and skanky. You can be sexy by wearing a tight fitting dress that doesn't show your mid drift, breast or butt cheeks. When you look in the mirror think "Would I meet someone's mom in this out fit?" I understand that you are young and free and want to do all that crazy, rebel thing. Anyway, maybe next time you wear a crop top keep the rest of the outfit conservative. Also- the way you carry yourself really paints the picture. :)
I've been dating this guy for three years now. He is the love of my life. Bad thing is he's a right wing conservative and I'm a liberal. We rarely fight about anything. He's a complete gentleman and treats me exceptionally well. When it comes to politics it is like we are enemies. He tries to listen to me but it just ends up in a fight. I don't want to break up with him I just want to know if this is actually going to work. - Jenny
I can not predict if something is going to actually work. It sounds to me like you have yourself a catch though. So what if he is a conservative? You guys have been together for 3 years. You guys just need to acknowledge that you will have some disagreements. He needs to acknowledge that as well.
I know you aren't a mommy blogger or anything but I know that you love fashion. Do you think its okay for babies to be dressed like adults? I think its ridiculous. You know what I mean. The tights and leather jackets for babies? - Tina
I was just talking to my mom about this. Ummm no, I think babies should dress like babies. Granted... I HAAATE those tutus and big bows some moms put on their babies. I just say dress them like a kid and not a doll or a mini adult. They can still look put together but cute with out looking like they are taking fashion advice out of Cosmo.
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