Pinterest Trials: DIY Terrarium
My very first terrarium! I've been wanting to make one forever and it sat in my pinterest board. I'm not 100% thrilled with how mine came out but I think if I master it before Christmas that I may be giving out cool ones as gifts :) Click here to see which pin helped me with this lovely DIY project. <---I deviated a little but but this will also give you step by step instructions on how to build a terrarium.
- Fish Bowl
- Activated Charcoal
- Sheet Moss
- Assorted succulents and cactus
- Potting soil
- Small Rocks
-Spoon (Not pictured)
- Put down your rocks for the base. I regret not adding more but as you will soon learn, depth is valuable when you are planting in a fish bowl so maybe it's not so bad.
- Add your activated charcoal. This is to serve as a filter for your water. I think this is especially important for terrariums that are closed off. I love those but couldn't find a sufficient container.
- Add potting soil. I used soil that was for cacti since I knew thats what I would be planting.
- Put in your plants. This is the tricky part. You want your arrangement to look like it makes sense. I feel like mine just looked like I plopped down plants where ever. Also depotting a cactus is not fun! *Tip: Wrap a paper towel around cactus while moving it.
- Once you are happy, put down your potting soil. I used a spoon to pat it down.
- Apply your sheet moss. Make sure you cover it all :)
- Done. You can add little decor in there as well. Some people add rocks, animals, small homes, etc.
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